From Pattern to Plush: Pillow Crush
More than comfy companions, pillows (like these) are making statements, and becoming the crowning accoutrement to a well designed space.
All Photos: Lisa Thiessen, The Design Daily
From the land of luxe, an exquisite lace pattern in linen velvet (above), and playful dots (below left) from Italian luxury home goods creator, Firma Menta. Designer: Chiara Paoletti.
Top Left: Pillows - FirmaMenta - Dots
Top Right: Pillows: MudClothLace - Green Ribbon
Bottom Left: Pillows: MudClothLace - Multicolor
Bottom Right: Pillows: Cozy Nomad
Top right, bottom left: Bold Beautiful Blend: The dynamic mother / daughter duo from Mud Cloth and Lace colorfully coalesce patterns of time-honored, traditional African prints.
Bottom right: From Mali to Malibu: One of kind vintage textiles bring home California’s breezy, barefoot vibe in these designs from Cozy Nomad .
Striking and spirited in silk: Ngala Trading Company’s playful Monkey Paradise. (also in cotton).